What Camp ASCCA Means to Me

Windsor’s First Day at Camp 2019!

Since February is mostly about Valentine’s Day, which is a celebration of love, I am reminded of how much I love Camp ASCCA for many reasons. The place itself is fun, and the staff members are friendly and warm. The camp has colorful events, like dances and concerts. If I had to sum up Camp ASCCA in two words, they would be adventurous and rare.

Camp ASCCA is a good place to have fun and feel safe for any child with unique traits. At camp I got a chance to try out ziplining and tubing, two adventurous things I would never be able to do anywhere else. I also got to play the Wii again for the first time since before my successful brain surgery in 2010. I can’t wait for other activities they have planned for all of us this summer!

 Camp ASCCA is basically my second home to me because I love the place so much. When you love someone, you accept them as they are. The people at Camp ASCCA accepted me as soon as they saw me, when it was my first time going to camp. I do many weird things, and they are fine with it. Camp ASCCA is a wonderful place with hard-working staff who make sure the campers are happy and well taken care of, and the reward for them is our smiles of joy.

Some people at camp remind me of my family members. One of the campers I met was sensitive and enjoyed arts and crafts. Another one of the campers loved playing charades because she got to act, and she also liked to read just as I do. One of the counselors told great jokes about the most random things. I hope I will get to see them again this summer.

The people and activities are what make Camp ASCCA unique, but how you feel when you’re there is what makes you special. I am reminded of 1 Samuel 16:7: “. . . The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” The people at Camp ASCCA do the same.

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