Camp ASCCA Orientation 2016

Camp ASCCA Orientation – it’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s hard work and it’s just one of camp’s many traditions that has lasted since summer one! Each summer, the counselors who take care of our campers go through this week long training period prior to campers attending camp. They work on team building skills. They get to know each other, learn to depend upon each other and experience each camp activity. But more than anything, they learn how to take excellent care of campers!

Our counselors are the spirit of Camp ASCCA. Their role is essential in making each summer the best ever! I love speaking with the new set of counselors each year about their importance to the campers and about what makes a great counselor. It’s more than just knowing the skills. It’s about having a great attitude as well. Camp ASCCA has been blessed throughout the years to have seen many incredible people caring for our campers. I am sure this summer will be no exception.

I am available to speak for any club or group interested in Camp ASCCA and my presentations can be tailored to your specific needs. For more information, please email:

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