Friends of ASCCA: Get to know McCartney!

Hello readers, welcome to Camp ASCCA’s Guest Blog! My name is McCartney, and I’m hoping to be a regular guest blogger here! In my posts, my goal is to help people better understand disabilities and the people who are affected by them. I can’t speak for everyone with a disability, but I can at lGet east try my best to help people on the outside understand people like myself.

The name of my disability is Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (or AMC for short). If you know Latin, you already know from the name that this causes curves and stiffness in my joints, and is formed before birth, so I’ve had it my entire life. Aside from the obvious (at least to the Latin fluent), AMC also gives me weak and underdeveloped muscles, limits my range of motion, and has led me to use a wheelchair.

But there’s more to my life than my AMC. I’m a writer, a reader, and a video game lover. I play piano, draw, sing, and I’m even working on creating social media accounts for my art. Though life with a disability is different, and hard sometimes, my life is still a wonderful life. Thank you so much Camp ASCCA for letting me tell my story! I look forward to sharing it, ups and downs included, with all of you.

To learn more about AMC, click here:

To find me on social media, search @paracosmic-m on Instagram, Tumblr, and DeviantArt, and paracosmic_m on Twitter.

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