Friends of ASCCA: Jonathan visits Just Jump

Guest Blogger Jonathan VanSteenburg is excited to share with you his everyday experiences and adventures. He recently paid a visit to the Just Jump facility in Panama City Beach with his dad and wanted to share how it impacted his body being out of his wheelchair. Check it out!

Jonathan shared, “On Monday, my father and I went to Just Jump in Panama City Beach, so I could check it out. I tried bouncing on my hands and knees on the trampoline, and I tried laying in the airbag on my back. The airbag was my favorite activity because when I laid in it, it formed around my body and it propped my head up very well. I felt like I could sleep in it during the night. I hope that I can go to this place often so I can take a nice break from sitting in my wheelchair.”

We love hearing stories about places like Just Jump and how they are designed for anyone who might come through the door. According to Jonathan, it is a great place to be!

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