Friends of ASCCA: Windsor Shares how Thankful she is for her Dog

Two years ago we adopted a little Cairn Terrier that I named Scout. He is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Scout is a very smart, thoughtful, entertaining little companion.

We brought Scout home when he was nine weeks old. Many years ago, it took our previous pup about one week to go up the stairs and nearly three weeks to go down the stairs. Not Scout, he is fearless! He went up and down the stairs without my help on his first night. He has learned to “stay” and “sit” and sometimes “come,” and he loves to play fetch. It’s really cute to see him run to the spot where his leash is kept whenever anyone mentions “out” or “leash,” even though we house-trained him using a “puppy apartment.”

Scout is such a thoughtful little dog. He welcomes me home by licking my face and wagging his tail so fast that his entire little body wiggles back and forth. When one of us is sad or hurt, he runs to us to lick where it hurts or give kisses on the face. He can be dozing in someone’s lap, and if he hears one of us sniffle, his head lifts, he turns to look, and then scrambles to the person in need of love. Scout is like a therapy pet to my dad and comfort pet to me and my mom.

Scout entertains us without even knowing it. I enjoy watching him play what we call “soccer,” which is when he holds a small toy in his mouth and uses his paws to “dribble” a ball in front of him as he runs back and forth the length of the room. I like how Scout does his zoomies. He is so cute when he runs as fast as he can around the house, his ears laid flat back and his little legs stretched out as far as they can go!

To me, Scout is the best little companion ever. At night, having Scout sleep in my room is a huge change in my life because I have been sleeping better and rarely have nightmares anymore. During the day, he lets us know if anyone suspicious enters the house, which includes repairmen or creepy crawlies. I feel more protected knowing Scout is with me every day and night.

I am very blessed to have Scout in my family. I don’t know what my life would be like without him. I feel he has saved me from not only creepy crawlies, but also from my sleeping problem. He keeps me good company when my parents are away. I love my little pup, and Scout fits in the family so well.

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