Meet the Program Staff 2019: Tristan Karpicke

This week we will be getting to know our program staff for summer 2019. Help us welcome Tristan Karpicke!

Tristan is from Memphis, Tennessee and will be working our shooting sports. This is his first year working at Camp ASCCA. He first heard about Camp ASCCA from a friend and full-time staff member, Jacob Boyer. Tristan is most looking forward to being able to broaden his horizon. He says, “I’ve never worked at a summer camp for people with disabilities, so I’m excited to learn more about it.”

Tristan’s favorite part about camp so far has been interacting with the campers and helping those who have never shot anything before have the opportunity to learn. This summer he hopes to gain experience with running a camp program but more importantly he wants to learn more about people with disabilities and get to know each person here.

Aside from working at summer camp, Tristan attends Mississippi State University. He is majoring in Agricultural Engineering.

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