Camp ASCCA Blog

Session 3: Taking Camp to New Heights

Today, Camp ASCCA hosted the Auburn Raptor Program for staff and campers to observe different types of birds that live in Alabama. Ranging from small

Stars, Stripes, and Session 3

We are so excited to begin session 3 and campers came ready with their best fourth of July accessories. Many campers arrived with the same

Camp America: Charles (Charlie) Hope

Staff and campers come from many different areas of the United States. However, Camp ASCCA welcomed international counselors to Camp this summer! Charlie Hope, came

Thank You Elks Friends!

We get many donations each year and some of them are helpful AND unique! We received a call from one of our fine Elks friends,

Session 2: Camper and Staff Q & A

Camp ASCCA brings in many different people every week for summer camp. Providing delicious meals, exciting activities, and awesome staff, Camp ASCCA is great at

Summer Nurse Spotlight: Nalini Patel

Here at Camp ASCCA, our wonderful nursing staff works hard to make sure campers remain happy and healthy during their stay. This week, we have

Session 2: Summertime Sliding!

With Camp ASCCA being located right in the heart of Lake Martin, we are no strangers to the intensity of Alabama’s heat. Luckily, our campers