Meet the 2021 Summer Staff: McKenna Franklin

This summer, McKenna is a part of our Outdoor Education Program Staff where she runs the demo farm. McKenna is currently a senior at Auburn University where she studies Rehab and Disabilities Studies with a minor in Early Childhood Development. She hopes to become a Child Life Specialist in a hospital after she graduates.

This is McKenna’s second summer as an ASCCA Program Staff member, but her first summer as an Outdoor Education Program staff member. McKenna is so excited to have the unique opportunity to educate and lead campers through activities involving our farm animals. She is most looking forward to seeing how campers interact and react to the animals at the farm. It is no secret that McKenna’s favorite farm animal is our pig, Ginger, and she cannot wait for campers to meet Ginger. A boring fact about McKenna is that she usually goes to bed around 5 am when she’s not at camp.

Campbell Morgan, PR

Summer 2021

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